Sunday, January 5, 2014

In Memory of Juan

          A year ago, a college student named Juan Pablo Brant went missing. Juan was a very kind and loving soul who loved to learn. One time, he took in a homeless man and let him stay in his college dorm. He even let him sleep in his bed, while Juan found somewhere else to sleep.
          Juan was adventuresome. He once visited Ogden, Utah, and decided that he wanted to attend Weber State University. Through the help of a friend, he was able to do it.  He loved to hike in the mountains around the university. He said that Mount Ogden was his favorite place in the world.
          One winter day, he decided to go on a hike to Mount Ogden. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough warm clothes on. As he was close to the top, it is believed that a storm moved in. There, the place that Juan loved the most, he passed away.
          The following poem is a tribute to my friend Juan. I love you Juan!

He made his way, 
On a winter’s day,
To the place he loved the most,
A place where cares just slipped away,
Where heaven felt most close.

Cold and tired, He asked within, 
“Could this really be the end?
Was I kind, and was I true,
Did I love like Jesus taught me too?”

As he answered yes to all of these,
His heart and soul were filled with peace.

He made his way,
On a winter’s day,
To the place he loves the most,
A place where beauty, never ends,
Where heaven is his home.